Great Horned Owlets

This is the second straight year I have found owls in a nest. It is always exciting for me to see the owls. The owlets will leave the nest soon and then they will be much harder to find.
Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

I travelled to southern Illinois to get to the path of totality for the solar eclipse this month. This was the first time I tried to photograph an eclipse. It is also the first time I tried to create a Photoshop composite of photos I took. There are things I will do different if I have a chance to do it again, but I am happy with the results.

The theme at our Photo Club this month was perspective. The idea was to try to find different perspectives than you would normally take. These are some examples of what I came up with.

Migration is coming to an end, but I still managed to find some ducks that I don’t normally see.
Blue-winged Teals
Blue-winged Teals
Northern Shovelers
Northern Shovelers
Hooded Merganser
Hooded Merganser

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